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Kuban to present a project of the plant on the production of reagents for drilling fluids at the forum “Sochi-2016”

It is planned to locate the enterprise in the Cossack village Ryazanskaya of Belorechensk district.

It is expected that within the framework of the project, administrative & housekeeping, auxiliary and warehousing premises, main production building and a laboratory will be built over the year on a land plot with an area of eight thousand sq.m.

To implement the project it is required to raise investments in the amount of 600 million rubles.

According to the developed business plan, the expenditures will be recouped within five years. By reaching the design capacity, the plant will manufacture 2011 tons of products per year.

Setting up the enterprise will enable to create additional 27 new workplaces in Belorechensk district.

It is to remind that the International Investment Forum "Sochi-2016" will take place on the site of the Chief Media center of the Olympic park and will last from September 29 through October 2, 2016.   

Source - Investment portal of Krasnodar region