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A Session of the Russian-Chinese Committee on Preparing Regular Meetings of the Government Heads and the 9th Russian-Chinese Economic Forum Was Held in Sochi on October 11

The Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin was represented Russia, and the Deputy Chairman of the State Council Mr. Wang Yang was represented China at the session.

At the beginning of the negotiations Wang Yang said Sochi is beautiful and well-maintained city, and also thanked the administration of the Krasnodar region for the warm welcome and the attention for the Chinese delegation.

As it was noted during the discussion, the 2014 year was the key for the development of relationships between China and Russia. The expansion of economic cooperation between our countries, which is in the top ten largest economies in the world, is facilitated for their rapprochement.

Following the results of the forum in the Olympic capital, Dmitry Rogozin said that Russia and China reached an agreement on the establishment of two joint structures. It is about a working group on cooperation in the sphere of parapublic market and on a special committee on cooperation in the sphere of satellite and navigation systems. They will be created within the intergovernmental commission between the two countries.

Source - Investment portal of Krasnodar region